Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Very Touching...

To read some of the comments at Hillary Clinton's blog (http://www.hillaryclinton.com/blog/view/?id=35493#view_comments ).

Fathers and mothers taking their little girls into the voting booth with them; entire families comprised of several generations going to the polling place together to vote for Sen. Clinton; women and men having the first opportunity in our LIVES to see a woman presidential candidate listed; men wanting their little girls to know they really CAN be whatever they want to be in their lives...That is all to say, many moving testaments to the power of this time in out lives, the excitement, the outpouring of love, and hope...

This really is a great time in our collective history, with both Clinton and Obama on the ballot. WOW!!

If you live in a Super Tuesday state, I hope you vote, and I hope you vote for Hillary!! If you are still on the fence,or have already decided or even voted already, I encourage you to watch Clinton in her Town Hall Forum from last night, as well as her very funny appearance on the David Letterman Show. Both can be accessed through her website: www.hillaryclinton.com.


Anonymous said...

Dont have an article specific comment...but i am for sure loving the blog.

Your point of view is so objective.

Hope you and Suzy are doign well!

much love

Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy said...

Thanks, Britt!

I appreciate your reading my blog -Cool!!

Poor Suzy is in Milwaukee - we're having 74 degree weather and she's getting SNOW! (I read at Hillary's blog that someone snowshoed 1/2 mile, then drove 25 miles in the snow to vote!!)

Hope you and Travis are well!
