Friday, May 30, 2008

The Argus Leader Endorses Clinton

After all the Obama Campaign concocted brouhaha about Clinton's interview with the Argus Leader, the Editors have endorsed Clinton:

Editorial: Clinton is top candidate for Dems
Editorial Board • Argus Leader • May 30, 2008

For the first time in memory, every state will play a role in choosing a nominee for the nation's highest office.

Some of those parts are small, but not ours: as one of the last two primary elections, South Dakota Democrats suddenly and improbably find themselves in a starring role.

That's an unlikely turn of events, as our state has improbably become a battleground in the long, hard race between two Senators seeking a spot at the top of the Democratic ticket: Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Clinton of New York.

The process feels similar at times, but the goal of a primary election is different from the race voters will decide in November. Our endorsement also is different. We will judge the candidates in this fall's general election when that time comes.

Obama could certainly become one of those candidates in the days ahead - at the time of this writing, his mathematical advantage is considerable. His appeal also is clear, and his campaign has been strong.

But Clinton is the strongest Democratic candidate for South Dakota.

Her mastery of complex policy detail is broad and deep, and her experience as a senator and former first lady matches that.

Measured against her opponent, Clinton is philosophically more moderate. That is likely a good thing for South Dakota.

Clinton's energy policy is forward thinking and wise. She advocates a broad federal research initiative to help solve our looming oil crisis. It's a plan that would join university researchers, private industry and individual inventors behind a common goal.

Is ethanol part of the answer? Clinton believes it is but not necessarily corn ethanol.

That is not precisely the answer South Dakota wants to hear. Corn-based ethanol has been a boon for farmers here. But the simple fact is that she probably is correct. Advances in cellulosic ethanol technologies could render corn ethanol obsolete and wasteful. Happily, South Dakota is poised to be a major player in the push to experiment with other kinds of ethanol.

Clinton has demonstrated a real commitment to Native American issues and will have visited several South Dakota reservations before the race is over. Clinton is precisely correct when she says that people outside the region have a poor understanding of the troubling trends on our reservations. Federal attention could help. That includes but is not limited to higher-ranking posts in the federal bureaucracy.

Her truly universal health care plan would be welcomed by thousands of South Dakotans. Even on reservations, where health care is nominally universal already, such a plan would be welcome. The federal government would never be allowed to subject everyday Americans to the kind of care Native Americans living on reservations routinely receive.

Obama is justifiably credited as a powerful speaker, but Clinton holds her own easily. As those who have attended her South Dakota rallies can attest, she is quick on her feet and energetic. She frames her ideas clearly in speeches and answers questions with genuine directness.

Her resilience and determination never should be questioned. She has met or overcome every challenge or roadblock in her way, and there have been many. Her determination to carry the nomination process through to its real conclusion has perhaps earned her a grudging respect from those who would never support her.

Clinton might not win this race. In fact, it's a long shot. But whatever some might say, the race is not over, and her name is on the ballot. Win or lose, she's also the best Democratic candidate for South Dakota. LINK


Mary Ellen said...

Hi Amy--

Looks like I have a lot to catch up on today!

Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy said...

LOL - yes! And I am getting ready to post the link for the Clinton campaign's letter to the RBC - it is GOOD!!!!

I am just beside myself with all of this Pflegler stuff, though - can you BELIEVE this man?? I tell you, Mary Ellen - the ad just writes itself for McCain. You can see it now: shots of Wright, with Obama first saying he's like an uncle he cannot possibly renounce; then Obama is FORCED by CLINTON in a debate to renounce Farrakhan's endorsement; then Obama is forced to renounce Wright; now he has to renounce Pflegler; and then, when the video comes out of MICHELLE preaching against "whitey" at TUCC, the voiceover will say, "what will Obama do???? Will he now renounce his own WIFE? He calls THIS having good judgment?" Then it will cut away to McCain doing something heroic and/or patriotic. That's the ad - you know its coming!!

How are YOU today?