Friday, May 23, 2008

"Hating Hillary"

This is an EXCELLENT article by Andrew Stephens, a British writer who has written for BBC News, and other news media (thanks to who saw it at corrente for this heads up). This piece highlights how incredibly crappy our media IS, and how accepted sexism is in terms of Seantor Clinton. It is worth noting, and I am sure it was accidental, that he misspelled Senator Clinton's first name. Ahem. Here's the beginning of the article:

Hating Hilary
Andrew Stephen

Published 22 May 2008

Gloating, unshackled sexism of the ugliest kind has been shamelessly peddled by the US media, which - sooner rather than later, I fear - will have to account for their sins

History, I suspect, will look back on the past six months as an example of America going through one of its collectively deranged episodes - rather like Prohibition from 1920-33, or McCarthyism some 30 years later. This time it is gloating, unshackled sexism of the ugliest kind. It has been shamelessly peddled by the US media, which - sooner rather than later, I fear - will have to account for their sins. The chief victim has been Senator Hillary Clinton, but the ramifications could be hugely harmful for America and the world.

THE REST (click)...

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