Thursday, January 31, 2008

Credit Where Credit Is Due...

OK - Keith Olbermann said he thought they both won, so I have to give him credit for that. BUT, he and his commentators keep bringing up Iraq and how Obama was SO much better at that. That being said, Rachel Maddow, who is BRILLIANT, btw (a Rhodes Scholar and PhD in Political Science), and has her own show on Air America, DID actually bring up that Obama HAS made mistakes in terms of Iraq, and Clinton could pummel him on it. Rachel is no Clinton supporter, though, a position she has stated quite clearly. She said she was driving around listening to Clinton talk abt her cote on the resolution prior to the vote, literally crying at her decision. I can totally appreciate that - I had the same response. So, it is PERSONAL for Rachel, which I get. But - BUT - she has made it clear she would not do that today, so stop beating a dead horse already. What's done is done - she can't unring the bell, but she can move forward. (How many more of these sayings can I get in here?) What else can she do? And did ANYONE know, besides Bush's core group, that Bush's FIRST response was war? She said that the White House ASSURED her PERSONALLY that they were going to let the weapons inspectors do their work. So, why should she have thought otherwise? I know, I know - because Bush was Bush, but just abt EVERYBODY was giving him WAY more leeway than they should have because of 9/11 (well, I wasn't, but hey - I never thought he should have been in there in the FIRST place...).

So, I do have to give Olbermann a little credit. It would be NICE, though, if whenever anyone mentioned Clinton's talking points, they would refrain from being patronizing abt them. Heaven knows, Obama has his own that he used tonight, too (Arianna Huffington and Candy Crawley used the phrase, "theme song" when referring to Clinton saying she was ready from Day 1, but Obama's being right from Day 1 was treated like it was the FIRST time he had ever said it!). Just sayin'! Anyway, thanks Keith for trying to be objective...

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