Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Putting A Fine Edge on Proposition 8

My partner and I CHOOSE to spread our wealth around to a number of non-profit organizations (our choice, not the govenrment's), unlike the Obamas and Bidens, who choose to give very little of theirs, especially compared to the McCains and Palins. But I digress. The point is that one of the (many)organizations we support is the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR). Imagine my surprise when I got the following email from them the other day:

Dear Amy:

Emergency Situation

No On 8 Obama

Proponents of Prop 8 sent a deceptive mailer insinuating that Barack Obama and Joe Biden support their effort. Both have denounced this tactic and reminded voters that they oppose Prop 8.

We cannot let this go unanswered.

We need to respond quickly and effectively through new flyers, paid phone banks and get out the vote efforts countering this lie.

Give Today Green No On 8

Ask you friends and family to donate.

There are times in a political campaign when you think you know what you need to do to win.

We said we needed $3 million in 3 days to win this campaign. And over 24,000 of you helped us meet that goal.

And then the other side does something so insidious you must react.

Proponents of Prop 8 sent a deceptive mailer insinuating that Barack Obama and Joe Biden support their effort to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry.

They are using this and other shameful tactics to try to mislead undecided voters throughout California.

They have forced us into an emergency situation.

We cannot let this go unanswered. We need to respond quickly and effectively through new flyers, paid phone banks and get out the vote efforts countering this lie.

We are running out of time.

Donate now so we can counter this appalling tactic.

In solidarity,

Kate Kendell
Executive Committee Member
No On Prop 8

Guess who we won't be supporting anymore?? You got it! Just more money to send to other organizations who don't try to manipulate their members!

Whaddya they mean they "cannot let this go unanswered"? Obama and Biden DO oppose same-sex marriage! Obama has made this clear time and time and time again, in his debates, in his statements, in his choice of associates:- McClurkin, Meeks, and ESPECIALLY Doug Kmiec, the former Reagan/Bush attorney who is an ACTIVE PROPONENT OF PROPOSITION 8. Kmiec was Obama's choice to lead his "Faith Tour" - an attorney. He chose an attorney to lead his evangelical faith tour around the country (as if there weren't enough problems with the whole concept from the get-go! Heck, I even worked as a paralegal when I lived up North, but I surely don't go around billing myself as an authority on the law. Anywho - I digress again.) Now, I admit that Obama has said that they shouldn't change the law now that it is in place, but to imply, as NCLR does, that he SUPPORTS same-sex marriage is a flat out lie. I have written about this a gazillion times already:

"Two-fer: Faith Train and Same Sex Marriage"

"So What", with the bonus of Joe Biden saying emphatically that he and Obama are opposed to same-sex marriage.

"Going to the Chapel and We're Gonna Get Married", also a two-fer since it deals mainly with CT, BUT it also deal's with Doug Kmiec, Obama's F(aith) buddy.

"Saddle Up"

"It Was Only A Matter Of Time"

And one from my blog on Same Sex Marriage: http://rabblerouserruminations.blogspot.com/2008/09/same-sex-marriage-may-suffer.html

I might add, my friend, Truthteller, had an outstanding post on Obama and the GLBT community, at No Quarter: "Barack Obama's Compulsively Repeated Gay Bashing Risks the Loss of A Key Voting Bloc". This is an EXCELLENT overview of all the ways in which Obama has screwed (ahem) the LGBT community.

All of that is to say, Obama did send a letter of support to opponents of Proposition 8, but as this article clearly points out, he opposes same-sex marriage. He and John McCain have the SAME position on this issue. Only McCain, as I have written before, does not shy away from his gay friends when they need him. He supports and embraces them, unlike Obama. This article demonstrates, in one place, how Obama panders to whichever side he thinks will get him elected, all in ONE ARTICLE! It is staggering - he opposes Same-Sex marriage everywhere else but CA, apparently. At least until the voting is done. That's his MO, and if any GLBT people think he will truly stand on their side, they are sadly mistaken. Just ask his formerly gay buddy, Donnie McClurkin. Or his actively anti-gay BFF James Meeks. Or Doug Kmiec, hater of equal rights for GLBT people. Oh - and ask Gavin Newsome how he felt about Obama dissing him over a photo shoot just because he SUPPORTS same sex marriage. Oh, yeah - what a guy.

The information is there, people - don't be hoodwinked or bamboozled on this issue, I ask you. Don't let Obama get over on this - he doesn't deserve the pass.

GO VOTE!!!!!!!


Elklamb said...

What a lame excuse for not giving money to an organization that does so much good for the community. So you didn't like the way they "packaged" their ask. So hold on to your money..who are you hurting???

Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy said...

I'm sorry, you think you can determine what is reason enough for how I spread MY money around? Um, no. Do you give to every single organization that asks you for money? Hell, I don't even NEED a reason to NOT give money to someone.

That being said, I DO give to a lot of organizations (unlike, say the Obamas and the BIdens - not so much from them). The point that you CLEARLY missed - intentionally or not - is the number of organizations who sold themselves out to hitch their wagon to Obama, as I said. And their unfounded expectation that he would do anything for them. That Prop 8 PASSED, in large part because of HIS supporters, was exactly my point. So - how much did their attaching themselves to Obama HELP the community THERE? Yeah, absolutely none. No, much worse than none.

And if you think they are doing such great work, feel free to go give them a donation! I am choosing not to do so for reasons of personal integrity (too foreign a concept to some), and it is MY CHOICE to whom I give, which is not yours to belittle.

I will find another organization that is doing good work in the community that ISN'T a sell out. You can do as you wish - it would be nice if you extended that same courtesy to others. Just sayin'.