And now for the L Words. No, this is not about the show that recently ended (though I probably could write an entire post about that), but the puppies. There have been requests for photos of them, too. They are now two weeks old. Most of them have their eyes fully open now (as of Sunday and Monday), and they are getting BIG! Here they are in order of birth, with a 10 inch ruler beside them so you can see how long they are now.
And here is the pile of them altogether after their EXHAUSTING photo shoot:
So, when I see reports like the one below on Unity '09 (I know, I know - Karl Rove. To say I'm not a fan is an understatement, but hey - he managed to get BUSH elected twice, so that's saying something.):
I can go look at this pack of puppies, listen to their cute sounds, watch them learn to walk, and not have my head explode at what is becoming of our country. I hope that looking at all of this cuteness works for you, too.
I am glad to see the 8:45am Moonbat Conference Call has hit the tv. Well, at least we know where these frakkers are every day at that time.
The horseys and puppies are ADORABLE! Thanks for the pics.
Hey, LM!
Was your site crashed yesterday? I couldn't get in for a while. I figured some of the gov't muckety mucks were doing it!
Thanks! Oh, I wish you could see those cute little puppies looking back and trying to walk! It is cute and funny all at the same time!
And Jordan - he's just a love. He brings us great joy!
Those babies are soooo adorable! But ten inches long already? My goodness, they're gonna be huge dogs!
He, Bluelyon!
Good to hear from you!
I know, right? They are pretty big already, and they are only 2 1/2 weeks old!! Holy moley!
Hope all is well with you!
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