Friday, March 11, 2011

Major Earthquake Hits Japan, Spawns Tsunamis

The strongest earthquake recorded in Japan occurred Friday, at 8.9 on the Richter scale. It is wreaking a tremendous amount of havoc, loss of life, and loss of property. The aftershocks are expected to be almost as strong as the original earthquake.

The following video details some of the initial effects of the tsunami:

Here is a glimpse of what the earthquake caused:

That is just the beginning. Tsumanis have hit in Japan, as well as Hawaii. The West Coast of the US is bracing for tsumanis there, as well.

We are just beginning to know the extent of the initial damage in Japan, which will likely increase with the aftershocks. And, news is just starting to roll in about Hawaii. The effects on the West Coast are uncertain as of this writing.

My prayers go out to all of those affected by this massive earthquake, and the resulting tsunamis...

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